PDP Diaphragm Pumps
PDP series pumps are diaphragm type ex-proof pumps. They are used at places where pressure air is available but use of electricity is impossible or dangerous. Maximum pressure of diaphragm pumps are 7 bars. 70 meters pump head could be obtained when used with proper compressor. Maintenance is easy.
> Application Areas
They are used in all areas where fuel transfer such as fuel tank trucks and marine tankers and liquid fuel filling facilities, are made. They could be used in the packaging, water treatment, paint, white goods manufacture, casting industry, shipbuilding, construction, rubber, cosmetics, metals, ceramics, food, chemical, leather, textile and paper industries.
> Fluids
Gasoline, diesel oil, fuel-oil, solvents, kerosene, mineral and hydraulic oils, petrol distillates, various chemical fluids.
> Technical Specifications